Awe and Wonder Alter Our Perception Of The World - Allen Klein - C0524
Allen Klein is the former Director of Life and Death Transitions in San Francisco. He's a recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor. He is the author of many books including The Healing Power of Humor (Tarcher/Putnam 1989), The Courage to Laugh, Change Your Life: A Little Book of Big Ideas (Tarcher 1998), Learning to Laugh When You Feel Like Crying: Embracing Life After Loss (Goodman Beck Publishing 2011), Embracing Life After Loss: A Gentle Guide for Growing through Grief (Mango 2019) and The Awe Factor: How a Little Bit of Wonder Can Make a Big Difference in Your Life (Mango Publishing Group 2020 or Conari Press 2020)
Interview Date: 2/26/2021 Tags: MP3, Allen Klein, therapeutic humor, est training, not knowing, synchronicity, curiosity, vision board, Jollytologist™, Paul Harvey, intention, Personal Transformation