Rewiring Our Brain For Resilience with Linda Graham C0332 hero artwork

Rewiring Our Brain For Resilience with Linda Graham C0332

The New Dimensions Café ·


Linda Graham, MFT is a licensed psychotherapist and meditation teacher in full-time practice in the San Francisco Bay area. She integrates her passion for neuroscience, mindfulness, and relational psychology through trainings, workshops, and conferences. She publishes a monthly e-newsletter entitled Healing and Awakening Into Aliveness and Wholeness, and weekly e-quotes on resources for recovering resilience, archived on her website. She is the author of Bouncing Back: Rewiring Your Brain For Maximum Resilience And Well-Being (New World Library 2013)

Interview Date: 3/20/2015    Tags: Linda Graham, resilience, neuroplasticity, brain, neural pathways, rewire brain, rewiring our brains, survival responses, Barbara Fredrickson, prefrontal cortex, tunnel vision, Darwin, most adaptive survives, mindfulness, compassion, self-compassion, window of tolerance, Psychology, Personal Transformation, Science, Health & Healing, Self Help

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