Reclaiming Your Passion and Vitality - Gregg Levoy - C0335
Gregg Levoy is a former adjunct professor of journalism at the University of New Mexico, and former columnist and reporter for USA Today and the Cincinnati Enquirer. He’s written for the New York Times Magazine, Washington Post, Omni, and Psychology Today. He has presented lectures and seminars for the Smithsonian Institution, Environmental Protection Agency, Microsoft, National Conference on Positive Aging, American Counseling Association, National Career Development Association, and others. He is the author of Vital Signs: The Nature and Nurture of Passion (Penguin 2014) and Callings: Finding and Following An Authentic Life (Random House 1998)
Interview Date: 4/16/2015 Tags: MP3, Gregg Levoy, retirement, passion, entropy, dispassion, vitality, reigniting our spark, tenure, acknowledge what is missing, negative thoughts, mission statement, Chartres Cathedral, saying yes, improv, making lists, Psychology, Personal Transformation, Self Help