Meditation-The Ocean Under The Crashing Waves Of Distractions - Dean Sluyter - C0336 hero artwork

Meditation-The Ocean Under The Crashing Waves Of Distractions - Dean Sluyter - C0336

The New Dimensions Café ·


Dean Sluyter has spent a lifetime learning authentic methods of natural meditation from eastern and western sages and making them accessible to thousands, including prisoners, tech innovators, filmmakers, high school students, and entrepreneurs. He has completed numerous retreats and pilgrimages in Tibet, India, Nepal, and Europe, and for decades has led workshops throughout the United States. He is the author of The Zen Commandments (Tarcher/Putnam 2001), Why the Chicken Crossed the Road and Other Hidden Enlightenment Teachings (Tarcher/Putnam 1998), Cinema Nirvana: Enlightenment Lessons From the Movies (Three Rivers Press 2005), Natural Meditation: A Guide to Effortless Meditative Practice (Tarcher/Penguin 2015)

Interview Date: 4/23/2015  Tags: Dean Sluyter, Beingness, The Musk Deer Story, thoughts, Nature of Mind, enlightenment, Sri Mooji, Mickey Mouse, blank mind, Meditation, Buddhism

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