Climate Change: We’re All in This Together - Peter Fiekowsky - C0569
Peter Fiekowsky is an MIT educated physicist and engineer, an entrepreneur, a philanthropist, and a social innovator. He has worked at NASA and the Fairchild/Schlumberger Artificial Intelligence Lab in Palo Alto, California and has taught at MIT. He holds 27 patents and was instrumental in launching the Foundation for Climate Restoration whose purpose is to work with top scientists, innovators, policymakers, and others to create the understanding and policy needed to further climate restoration. He is co-author with Carole Douglis of: Climate Restoration: The Only Future That Will Sustain the Human Race (Rivertown Books 2022)
Interview Date: 9/25/2022 Tags: Peter Fiekowsky, Paris Accords, net zero carbon emissions, climate restoration, CO2 in atmosphere, CO2 footprint, development of civilization, history of agriculture, human population, number of children per family, I Am Humanity, Ecology/Nature/Environment, Science