The Natural Landscape impacts Our Inner Landscape - Mark Coleman - C0608 hero artwork

The Natural Landscape impacts Our Inner Landscape - Mark Coleman - C0608

The New Dimensions Café ·


Mark Coleman is a mindfulness meditation teacher who has been teaching Insight meditation and nature retreats worldwide since 1997. He regularly leads wilderness retreats through his organization, Awake in the Wild where he introduces others to nature-based meditation practices. These retreats include a wide variety of contemplative activities like hiking, backpacking, forest bathing, kayaking, river rafting, cross-country skiing, rowing, canoeing, and more. Mark is also the co-founder of the Mindfulness Training Institute, where he co-leads yearlong mindfulness-teacher trainings in Europe and the U.S. He is also a senior meditation teacher at Spirit Rock Meditation Center, in Northern California. His books include:

Awake in the Wild: Mindfulness in Nature as a Path to Self-Discovery (New World Library 2006), Make Peace with Your Mind: How Mindfulness and Compassion Can Free You from Your Inner Critic (New World Library 2016), From Suffering to Peace: The True Promise of Mindfulness (New World Library 2019) and A Field Guide to Nature Meditation: 52 Mindfulness Practices for Joy, Wisdom and Wonder (Awake in the Wild 2022)

 Interview Date: 3/6/2024.    Tags: Mark Coleman, John Muir, mindfulness awareness, being known by nature, Stress, anxiety, wonder, awe, John Burroughs, nature heals, attention economy, going outside, gratitude, Fear, protecting the earth, Meditation, Personal Transformation, Ecology/Nature/Environment

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