Generative Writing for Self-Discovery and Healing - Meredith Heller - C0617 hero artwork

Generative Writing for Self-Discovery and Healing - Meredith Heller - C0617

The New Dimensions Café ·


Meredith Heller is a poet, singer-songwriter, avid nature lover, and educator with degrees in writing and education. She leads writing workshops online and in person. She also teaches in schools, juvenile detention centers, women’s prisons, and wellness retreats. She is the author of Write a Poem, Save Your Life: A Guide for Teens, Teachers, and Writers of All Ages (New World Publishers 2021) and Writing by Heart: A Poetry Path to Healing and Self-Discovery (New World Library 2024)

Interview Date: 6/14/2024    Tags: Meredith Heller, storytelling, inner listening, writing as an alchemical process, kintsugi, resilience, personal wounds, shame, shaming, we are unique vessels, our story matters, storytelling, fertile darkness, Health & Healing, Personal Transformation, Writing

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