Play Is More Than Just Fun - Stuart Brown, M.D. - ND3496 hero artwork

Play Is More Than Just Fun - Stuart Brown, M.D. - ND3496

New Dimensions ·


Play is deeply embedded in our natures. It contributes to optimism and hope for the future. It enables us with the ability to persevere. Brown concludes, “Play is a fundamental survival drive of humanity without which long term survival of our species may be at stake.” He describes research showing that most sociopaths suffer from play deprivation in their childhood. Stuart Brown. M.D. is a pioneer researcher on the effects of play. He’s the founder of the National Institute for Play in Carmel, California. In 1987, he was the producer of the classic documentary film The Hero's Journey, the Life and Work of Joseph Campbell and executive producer and originator of the three part PBS series, The Promise of Play. He is the author of: Play: How It Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination and Invigorates the Soul (co-author Christopher Vaughan) (Avery 2010)


Interview Date: 2/3/2014    Tags: Stuart Brown, M.D., play, Charles Whitman, rigidity in thinking, compulsiveness, depression, addictions, Brian Sutton Smith, Norbert Rosing, National Geographic special, sled dogs, play languages, play signals, rough and tumble games, bullies, beauty, awe and wonder, play and the brain, Peter Gray, neoteny, video games, John Wooden, Bob Fagan, grizzly bear play, Mark Beckoff, optimism, joy, awe, wonder, joyfulness, Roger Guillemin, Psychology, Personal Transformation, Self Help

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