Liberating Yourself Into Open-Hearted Awareness - Loch Kelly, M.Div. LCSW - ND3569 hero artwork

Liberating Yourself Into Open-Hearted Awareness - Loch Kelly, M.Div. LCSW - ND3569

New Dimensions ·


Loch Kelly describes open-hearted awareness as a direct experience of our interconnectedness and the feeling of being held by the same essence that holds all life. It is a dynamic place that sparkles with life. Some describe it as “a child on the first day of summer vacation.” It is beyond head-knowing. It taps into a deeper source of intelligence and wisdom. Loch Kelly, M.Div, LCSW is founder of the nonprofit Open-Heart Awareness Institute. He is an educator, licensed psychotherapist, and recognized leader in the field of meditation, who was asked to teach Sutra Mahamudra by Mingyur Rinpoche and to teach nondual realization by Adyashanti. He collaborates with neuroscientists in the study of meditation to discover ways to improve compassion and well-being. He’s an emerging voice in modernizing meditation and social engagement. He is the author of Shift Into Freedom: The Science and Practices of Open-Hearted Awareness (Sounds True 2015) and a CD set of Meditations: Shift Into Freedom: A Training in the Science and Practice of Open-Hearted Awareness (Sounds True 2015)

Interview Date: 1/13/2016     Tags:Loch Kelly, nondualism, consciousness, problem solver consciousness, thought based operating system, awareness based knowing, ground of being, mindfulness meditation, waking-up waking-in waking-out, embodied meditation, heart-mind, open-hearted awareness, memory door meditation, shame, well-being, spacious awareness, pure awareness, curiosity, intelligence, wisdom, creativity, Meditation, Philosophy, Personal Transformation, Spirituality

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