The Power of Poetry by Young Immigrants - Patrice Vecchione - ND3673 hero artwork

The Power of Poetry by Young Immigrants - Patrice Vecchione - ND3673

New Dimensions ·


Patrice Vecchione is a teacher of poetry. In this interview she shares stories and poems of immigrant children and of the healing properties of poetry. One cannot help but share the sadness of a young person losing touch with their home culture. You’ll be inspired to make a difference in your community to include this large and mostly unheard population. She is the author of several books including Writing and the Spiritual Life: Finding Your Voice by Looking Within (McGraw Hill 2001), Step Into Nature: Nurturing Imagination and Spirit in Everyday Life (Beyond Words Publishing 2015), The Knot Untied: a Book of Poetry (Palaquin Press 2013) and Ink Knows No Borders: Poems of the Immigrant and Refugee Experience (coauthor Alyssa Raymond) (Seven Stories Press 2019)

Tags: Patrice Vecchione, poetry, migrant children, empathy, compassion, Craig Santos Perez, Chamorro, Mohja Kahf, Javier Zamora, Safia Elhillo, Emi Mahmoud, Darfur, Writing, Social Change, Politics 

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