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Old Ghosts

Sam and Scott are Watching Watchmen ·


We are back!  After a bit of a hiatus Sam and Scott are back to talk about Watchmen chapter 8 "Old Ghosts."  Dan and Laurie decide to break Rorschach out of jail in the midst of a prison riot. While they are taking down the rioting prisoners in their way, Rorschach deals with his arch enemy named the Big Figure and his gang. They reconvine at Dans apartment talking about what they need to do next when all of a sudden Dr. Manhattan shows up and takes Laurie away to Mars with him.  Follow us on Twitter @watchmenpodcas1, leave us feedback at watchingwatchmen@nerdcyclopedia.com and join our facebook group Sam and Scott are Watching Watchmen and visit our website www.nerdcyclopedia.com!  We'd love for you to be a part of the discussion!

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