Look On My Works, Ye Mighty… hero artwork

Look On My Works, Ye Mighty…

Sam and Scott are Watching Watchmen ·


This penultimate chapter focuses on Adrian Veidt – Ozymandias.  Detached from humanity, his only kinship with a king, Alexander of Macedon, who died over 2300 years earlier, Veidt is a singular being.  His admiration for the lateral thinking of Alexander, with the ancient king’s solution of simply cutting the Gordian Knot, is second to none and has fueled aspirations to solve his own Gordian Knot – the policy of Mutually Assured Destruction was a “knot to try even Alexander’s ingenuity.” Rorschach and Nite Owl go to confront him about his unbelievable plan. Follow us on Twitter @watchmenpodcas1, leave us feedback at watchingwatchmen@nerdcyclopedia.com and join our facebook group Sam and Scott are Watching Watchmen and visit our website www.nerdcyclopedia.com!  We'd love for you to be a part of the discussion!

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