A God Walks Into Abar hero artwork

A God Walks Into Abar

Sam and Scott are Watching Watchmen ·


Episode 7's title is “A God Walks Into Abar” and came from a happenstance, according to director Nicole Kessell. They had given Angela the surname "Abar" early in development. Later, as they were storyboarding episodes, Kassell had saw one of the writers had put down "...walks into a bar..." as a concept for this episode, and on seeing that, realized the serendipitous nature of the Abar name.  Amazing!  Make sure you again check out the latest in the Peteypedia Pages of extended material that answer a lot of questions that weren't answered directly in the episode and expands on the VERY detailed world building this show is doing!  Follow us on Twitter @nerdcyclopedia, leave us feedback at watchingwatchmen@nerdcyclopedia.com and we'll try to get that read on the podcast!  Join our facebook group Sam and Scott are Watching Watchmen and visit our website www.nerdcyclopedia.com

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