#95 Malcolm Tent (Broken Talent)
The Untold Story of Malcolm Tent: Broken Talent and the Florida Years
Join us for an exclusive conversation with Malcolm Tent, bassist and vocalist of Miami's iconic 80s hardcore punk band, Broken Talent. For the first time, Malcolm shares his untold story, focusing on his formative years in Florida. Growing up in unincorporated Dade County, Malcolm's musical influences were shaped by local radio stations like K102 and 103.5 SHE. He reminisces about South Florida's vibrant early and mid 80s punk and alternative music scene, recalling storied venues such as Open Books & Records, Flynn's, The Cameo Theater, and Churchill's. And zines such as Rag Magazine, Mouth of the Rat, and Tropical Depression.
As a member of Broken Talent, Malcolm shared the stage with bands like Black Flag, Dead Kennedys, Antiseen, and Raw Power, as well as Florida bands: Morbid Opera, The Prom Sluts, Gay Cowboys In Bondage, Sector 4, Pagan Faith, Lethal Yellow, S.L.A., Generic Death, The Pop Cruds, and more. He recounts the band's highs and lows, sharing memories of select shows, complete with vintage flyer artwork. Malcolm also provides a snapshot of life after Florida, operating a record store called Trash American Style, running the TPOS record label, joining Antiseen, and much more! Another episode packed with stories, insights, and history!
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Connect with Malcolm Tent
Instagram @malcolmtentdanbury
Website: https://malcolmtent.net/
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