You Can Only Be So Cosmic hero artwork

You Can Only Be So Cosmic

True Blue ·


When you wanna be high and have that cosmic view

but you're always comin' down and long for somethin' new

here's a word of warning, though there's nothin' you can do

when you think you're all together life'll play a trick on you

might as well accept it, you know the world's a zoo

in everything that's holy there's an earthly side, too

You can only be so cosmic.

When you're lookin' in the heavens down on earth you stub your toe

but don't dwell on these things that hold you down below

don't resist the path you're on, it's the way for you to go

the ups and downs are all a part of the road, you know

sit back, relax, enjoy the show

until that legendary release from this world of woe

You can only be so cosmic.

The holiest guru on the highest hill must sometimes take a pee

life is not as predictable as they show you on TV

it was my tantric queen who told me this, I think you will agree

she brought me to enlightenment and shared her crabs for free

it was revealed in meditation as I sat beneath a tree

a messenger of the Lord, a bird, said as it dropped its load on me,

"You can only be so cosmic."

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