Yom Kippur - Why this day is important for us, our nations and societies! [JWU #104] hero artwork

Yom Kippur - Why this day is important for us, our nations and societies! [JWU #104]

Jobst Bittner 🇺🇸 ·


Hello dear Friends, welcome to this edition of the Weekly Update. Tonight marks the beginning of Yom Kippur, the day of Atonement, which is the final day of the 10-day period of cleansing and repentance before God. Today I am speaking about the necessity to turn back to God in our nations and societies. May this be a Yom Kippur of repentance, reconciliation and healing for you. May you be sealed in the Book of Life and see you again next time. Links: www.tos.info www.marchoflife.org www.marchofthenations.com www.jobstbittner.com


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