WEEKLY UPDATE #38 hero artwork


Jobst Bittner 🇺🇸 ·


Hello dear Friends, the March of Life Conference last weekend was really special and unique again! We had special guests - their personal stories were the highlight of the conference: Dr. Arie Itamar (Holocaust survivor and passenger of the Exodus 1947), Izac Rozman (son of one of the Haganah leaders on board and Chairman of the Exodus Commemoration Comittee), Shaya Ben Yehuda ( Director of International Relations at Yad Vashem) and Josh Reinstein (Director of the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus) were among those present. The topic is still relevant today, as these newspaper articles prove - antisemitism is on the rise again, and we as churches and congregations have to take a stand against it now more than ever! How exactly we can do this, I'll tell you at the next Weekly Update. See you next time!

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