WEEKLY UPDATE #31 hero artwork


Jobst Bittner 🇺🇸 ·


Hello dear Friends, We are so grateful for the past year! Of course, the year 2018 was marked largely by the March of the Nations with its 6,000 participants. Thank you very much for all your support - both by joining us on the March and financially. We have the call to continue - for instance we will have a March of Life in Colombia with 20,000 - 30,000 participants. At the March of the Nations, we preformed the musical "Exodus 1947", based on the story of Holocaust survivor Noah Klieger, who passed away just a few days ago. During the coming week this musical will tour various schools and public venues in Israel in memory of Noah Klieger. For further information please see https://www.facebook.com/events/208851810048734/ Come and join us! See you again next week for the Weekly Update from Israel! ​ 

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