CS01 - Focus on the relationship, not the behavior - Special Connection Series hero artwork

CS01 - Focus on the relationship, not the behavior - Special Connection Series

Parenting the Intensity ·


This episode is part of the "Special Connection Series"

5 episodes, released every day this week

The focus is all on lowering conflict with our emotionally intense kids by connecting instead of correcting

5 topics

  1. Focus on the Relationship, Not the Behaviors
  2. Why Emotionally Intense Kids Feel Disconnected
  3. Stop Conflict in it’s Track
  4. Reframing Discipline and Boundaries
  5. Building Connection in Small Family Moments

Go listen to the previous and next episodes for all the information and subscribe on the website to get the Magazine that complement those 5 episodes with short takeaways versions of the episode, so you can refer back to them more easily, insight from guests of the podcast and an opportunity to join the Connected Family experiment next week.

Today's topic : Focus on the relationship, not the behavior

We'll explore how traditional parenting advice often focuses on controlling behavior, but we're here to shift the focus to building a strong and understanding relationship with our unique kids first.

Join the Connected Family experiment September 30th to October 6th

Join the "Parenting the Intensity Community" to find the right things that works for YOUR child and adapt them to YOUR reality.

To be able to enjoy your life and kids, not always being afraid of the next outburst

Take a deep breath, keep going, we’re all in this together!

Music by Oleksii Kaplunskyi from Pixabay