Episode 4 - Ancient Faith Chat:  Why Does God Allow Suffering? hero artwork

Episode 4 - Ancient Faith Chat: Why Does God Allow Suffering?

STSA Church Podcast ·


Ancient Faith Chats aim is to simplify complex concepts from the ancient faith and explore the reasons behind them in a simple, practical way. Join Fr. Anthony as he delves into the “why” behind our beliefs and the relevance of the ancient faith in today’s world. 

In this chat, Father Anthony Messeh discusses the question of why God allows suffering. He emphasizes the importance of understanding that God is good and that our definition of goodness is subjective, self-serving, and short-sighted. Father Anthony encourages listeners to trust in God's goodness, even when they cannot see it, and reminds them that the day is coming when suffering will cease and evil will be judged. He also addresses a listener question of whether it is okay to sue someone who has wronged you. Throughout the chat, the theme of trusting in God's goodness and recognizing the temporary nature of suffering and injustice is emphasized.