Episode 195 - O Keighley Night hero artwork

Episode 195 - O Keighley Night

The 4205Cast ·


Twas the night after Cyberpunk and all through the day
Not a person was playing, except for Andre
Theo sat by the fire playing his 3DS
Even as he would sleep, not a button to press
And much like a dragon did Joe waste his time
On the slots to fight Japanese organized crime
Chris has some more fun with Devil May Cry
Saying "I'm motivated, now Dante must Die!"
Geoff Keighley presents Game Awards 2020
The Last of Us II taking much wins aplenty
Nintendo gets petty and cancels a stream
When shouts of "Free Melee!" the people would scream
So sit back and listen, and you'll have a blast
With us here on THE 4205 Cast

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Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-d9L0Tc0SI
Or email us at 4205Cast@gmail.com

Episode 200 is coming! So contact us anywhere above or on social media to tell us what you want and #shoutoutfor200!

...Ralph Macchio said what?

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