Exploring the Multidimensional Universe of Alien Encounters - Mark Gober - ND3779 hero artwork

Exploring the Multidimensional Universe of Alien Encounters - Mark Gober - ND3779

New Dimensions ·


Here an avid researcher has brought reports of thousands of people who have experienced the phenomenon of alien encounters. When asked if nonhuman intelligence is real Gober says, “There is a lot of research out there suggesting that we are not alone, and this is probably an ancient phenomenon. There are people who do seem to have pretty amazing encounters.” Mark Gober is an avid curator and researcher of scientific papers and books about consciousness, biological processes, psychic phenomena, near-death experiences, and quantum physics. He was a partner at the Sherpa Technology Group in Silicon Valley, California, which advises technology companies on mergers and acquisitions. He has also worked as an investment banker analyst in New York and has been named one of IAM’s strategy 300 (IAM hosts the world’s leading intellectual property strategists). Gober graduated magna cum laude from Princeton University where he wrote his award-winning thesis on Daniel Kahneman’s Nobel Prize-winning “Prospect Theory” and was elected a captain of Princeton’s Division I Tennis Team. He is the author of several books including: An End to Upside Down Thinking: Dispelling the Myth That the Brain Produces Consciousness, and the Implications for Everyday Life (Waterside Productions 2018), An End to Upside Down Liberty: Turning Traditional Political Thinking on Its Head to Break Free from Enslavement (Waterside Productions 2022) and An End to Upside Down Contact: UFOs, Aliens, and Spirits—and Why Their Ongoing Interaction with Human Civilization Matters (Waterside Productions 2022) 

Interview Date: 11/4/2022  Tags: Mark Gober, UFOs, near death experience, NDEs, John Mack, nonhuman intelligences, David Jacobs, empathy, Paul Levy, wetiko, mind virus, Ezekiel, Eric Von Daniken, Paul Anthony Wallace Australian Archdeacon, Frances Crick, DNA, Mike Cleland, psychedelics, DMT, Rick Strassman MD, alien hybrids, Jacques Vallee, Phoenix lights, Parapsychology/Paranormal; Spirit Guides/Angels/Spirit, History

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