You Are Not Your Genetics - Kenneth Pelletier, M.D. - ND3663
What we eat, drink, breathe, our stress levels, our use of pharmaceuticals, our interaction with the immediate physical and social environment are all essential factors in genetic expression. Here Pelletier describes epigenesis as the new science that focuses on the changes we make in our lifestyle that can make a difference in the expression of our genes. He is the author of many books including Mind as Healer, Mind as Slayer: A Holistic Approach to Preventing Stress Disorders (Dell Publishing 1977) and Change Your Genes Change Your Life: Creating Optimal Health with the New Science of Epigenetics (Origin Press 2018)
Tags: Kenneth Pelletier, Human Genome Project, epigenetics, disease management industry, health enhancement system, individualized medicine, diet, intestinal tract biochemistry, biomic chemistry, genetic profile, complete blood chemistry, biome test, intestinal test, 23andMe, health assays, Arivale, Dr. Leroy Hood, DNAFit, Thorne nutraceutical, nutrigenomics, Mediterranean diet, stress, exercise, interval training, telomere, Health & Healing