018 - When you feel like giving up...
Welcome back to "Parenting the Intensity!"
In this episode, we explored the concept of giving up and how it doesn't necessarily mean leaving our children behind forever. Here are three key takeaways from today's discussion:
1️⃣ It's Normal to Feel Overwhelmed: Parenting emotionally intense kids is hard, and it's completely normal to feel like giving up at times. It doesn't mean that you love your children any less or that you're not a good parent. It's a sign that you deeply care about their well-being and are trying your best.
2️⃣ Resilience Over Strength: People may commend us for our strength, but in reality, it's more about resilience. We keep pushing forward, overcoming challenges, and tackling each obstacle with determination. We don't have the luxury of giving up, so we find the strength within ourselves to keep going.
3️⃣ Taking a break Is Okay: Giving up temporarily doesn't make us bad parents. It's essential to recognize when we need a break and allow ourselves to step back, recharge, and regroup. Whether it's a weekend getaway or delegating certain responsibilities, taking care of ourselves ultimately enables us to be better parents in the long run.
Remember, you are already doing so much! Take a moment to reflect on everything you're managing and give yourself credit for the strength and resilience you demonstrate every day. And don't forget that it's okay to take a break when needed. Keep showing up for your exceptional children, and together, we'll navigate this intense parenting journey.
"We will all be there at some point, and that's normal too because we don't always have
the energy to fight and to work hard and to learn new things and to apply those things, it's very hard."
Show notes and transcript of the episode over here
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To be able to enjoy your life and kids, not always being afraid of the next outburst
Take a deep breath, keep going, we’re all in this together!
Music by Oleksii Kaplunskyi from Pixabay