040 - Self Care adapted to your needs - Recording from the Joy Reclaimed Summit
Welcome to "Parenting the Intensity!"
Today I'm sharing with you the recording of an interview I was on as a guest for the Joy Reclaimed Summit, organized by Linda Sanderville who was also the first guest on the podcast in episode 14.
I'm sharing how I realized how much self care was essential in parenting emotionally intense kids and how I was, and still am, able to do some in my life even with all the demands on my time and energy and how you can do it too.
I also address how important it was to find the right self care for YOU, the same way you work hard to support your kids in the way they need to be supported.
"It's all about how to do self care, how to make it realistic and fitted for our needs"
Make sure to subscribe to our podcast for future episodes and leave a rating and review, that helps us get in front of more parents. Don't forget to check out the resources mentioned on our website at www.parentingtheintensity.ca
Join the "Parenting the Intensity Community" to find the right things that works for YOUR child and adapt them to YOUR reality.
To be able to enjoy your life and kids, not always being afraid of the next outburst
Take a deep breath, keep going, we’re all in this together!