043 - Essentials for Parenting Emotionally Intense Kids
Welcome to "Parenting the Intensity!"
In this episode I'm breaking down the basic principles of parenting an emotionally intense child which are:
- Reframe: They are not doing it on purpose
- Helping them be calmer
- Being calm ourselves (regulation and coregulation)
There is also some other essentials to keep in mind that make parenting emotionally intense kids different and easier:
- Expecting the intensity and not seeing that as bad but at the way they express themselves
- Not escalating (hard hard hard)
- Detective work: getting to know them like the palm of our hand
- Being their voice
- Building them up (they will be put down so often)
"It's okay that they express themselves. It's okay that they let the stress out."
Resources mentioned on the podcast
- Parenting the Intensity Community
- Episode 40 about self care
- Parenting the Intensity Retreat
- Who's That Kid?
- Child Advocacy
- Episodes on Advocacy: Episode 6 and Episode 36 (more are coming soon)
Make sure to subscribe to our podcast for future episodes and leave a rating and review, that helps us get in front of more parents. Don't forget to check out the resources mentioned on our website at www.parentingtheintensity.ca
Join the "Parenting the Intensity Community" to find the right things that works for YOUR child and adapt them to YOUR reality.
To be able to enjoy your life and kids, not always being afraid of the next outburst
Take a deep breath, keep going, we’re all in this together!