048 - Co-Regulation and Co-Dysregulation - With Penny Williams
Welcome to "Parenting the Intensity!"
In this episode, we will explore the concepts of co-regulation and co-dysregulation and how they can help us navigate the unique needs of our exceptional but challenging kids.
And to do so we are welcoming Penny Williams, founder of parenting ADHD and autism, to discuss this complicated but oh so essential subject!
"We need to have radical acceptance of what is for our kids and what might be different in their lives. Because when we get okay with those things, we're not freaking out about them. We're not freaking out about their future. There's so much more room for joy."
Resources mentioned
Ross Green Book : The Explosive Child
Kelly Mahler interoception curriculum
Connect with Penny
https://www.instagram.com/pennywilliams/ https://www.facebook.com/PennyWilliamsAuthor/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/ParentingADHDandAutism https://www.pinterest.com/pennywauthor/
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To be able to enjoy your life and kids, not always being afraid of the next outburst
Take a deep breath, keep going, we’re all in this together!