058 - End of season - Holiday and Judgment
Welcome to "Parenting the Intensity!"
This is the last episode of the season (that lasted around a year and a half. The podcast will pause until after the Parenting the Intensity Retreat in February (there might be some surprise episode once in a while but I can't promise anything).
To get the episodes when they will be available again, make sure to subscribe to the podcast.
Here are the links referenced in the episode:
Navigating Judgment workshop : https://familymoments.ca/product/navigating-judgments-workshop/
Holiday episode on Judgment: https://www.justcast.com/shows/parenting-the-intensity/audioposts/1524263
Parenting the Intensity Retreat waitlist: https://parentingtheintensity.ca/
Self Care Guide: https://familymoments.ca/realistic-self-care-for-busy-parents/
Meltdown to Connection Guide: https://familymoments.ca/from-meltdown-to-connection/