The Parenting the Intensity Retreat is Coming soon!
Parenting the Intensity ·
Welcome to the Parenting the Adensity podcast, a parent a podcast specifically for parents of emotionally advanced kids. I'm Anouk Briagobou, your host. And we'll here we'll talk all about how we can drop the the unrealistic expectation society puts on us as parents. And together, we'll find solution and ideas that work for you and your kids. Chances are you know all the answers.
You just need a little inspiration to keep going and permission to help you fully trust that you already are a wonderful parent for your exceptional kids. Let's dive right in. So today is a special episode. The season is not there's no not a new season. We're still on pause.
But the Parenting the Intensity retreat is starting soon, and I wanted to just, introduce a little bit what it is. This podcast is completely unscripted. I normally have, like, point I wanna talk about, but I think I know that event pretty much and hope to be able to talk about it without any points. But I might, be a bit random because of that. So, what's the parenting the intensity retreat?
First, if you haven't been, there last year, there, it was the 1st edition in February, 2024. And now we have the 2nd edition and it is a 3 day online event, where we have a ton of speakers. It's 27, I think, or 28. I lost count and I never know if I angled me or not, but anyway, something around those lines, that will come and talk about, parenting and 10 kids specifically this year, focusing on conflict. So it's the conflict edition this year because, this is kind of the reality of our life as parents of emotion intense kids is that we are a lot of conflict with our kids, you know?
So this is why, I wanted to have a specific, episode about not episode, sorry, specific edition, all about, conflict based on like the length of the, the presentation that there is is basically 27, 28 presentation and more, on the on on on conflict about conflict in some way. And so, it's 3 days that there's no specific schedule. Like, there's presentation released, on 9 AM EST on each of the 3 days. And because I know life is hectic, there's a 2 day replay. So, from the February 25th to 27th.
Yeah. There's a new presentation released every day that are available to 4 24 hours, all for free. And then a 2 day replay where all the presentation are available again for 2 days. There was also going to be roundtable live. That's the first that I'm doing that this year.
I hoping everything the tech will be with us. Hopefully, I always have the weirdest problem with tech. So hopefully that will work. And because I I cannot really wait until 25th, there's 2 round table ahead of 25th. So the first is on 10th at 10 AM EST, live, and the replay will be available.
And the second is on 18th February at 1 PM, 2 PM. I think it's 2 PM, but I will put the links in the show notes. So, yeah, those 2, roundtable will be ahead of the 25. So you can already dive into super, interesting resources that will be available for, for you, basically. And so the first one on February 10 is what if it was not bad behavior?
That's the title of the first round table. If you've been listening to the podcast for a while, this is probably not news for you. But if you're new, it might be very interesting to see, like, what if it's not bad behavior that your kid has, what it is. And if it's a great episode to share with friends or families that I keep saying episodes. Sorry.
That's because it's a podcast, not a episode. It's a round table this time. So that's a great roundtable to share with people that can start to understand what that means. The roundtable will be with a few of the speakers. I will be there to, like, ask question.
I will moderate the roundtable, and there will be, like, anywhere between 2 or 4 speakers, of the at the event that will be over, on the round table also. And the one on the 18 is called stay calm to support our kids. So that's what we will be diving into. Those are around an hour long. And, yeah, if you can show up live, you can ask a question.
There will be a quest q and a time at the end of those two event. And there will be 4 of those event during the the the retreat also. So 1 on the 25th, 2 on the 26th so that we have 1 in the evening for people that are on the other side of the world or working during the day, and want to be, like, there alive. And 1 on duet 27, and there also is going to be another I will be, there live on the 28th to also do, another live, event. And so all of those sorry if you're listening to music.
My my daughters and my husband are listening to something close by. I have this in the background. I don't know if you can hear it. But, yeah. So those those events are going to be, Very interesting because it's live.
We've never had that, last year. So I'm a bit stressed out by that because I know tech can be finicky, but I'm I would love to have you there to ask a question and, yeah, take that opportunity to connect with each other in the chat and, ask questions to the speakers. So, those are like the special add additions. So the the special things that are going. But if you haven't been there last year, so there's those, 3 days of, of, of topics, like it's 3 main topics different.
So the first day is, how to manage kids' big emotion. So it's going to be all, suggestion to help you do that, manage your kids' big emotion. Because I know it's basically what everyone is wondering. Like, let's be honest. It's the first question most parents will ask is, how to do that.
Like, because we know that it's really intense and really hard. But I also know that you wanna stay calm when that happens, so there is a day for that too. So that's the second day. That is going to be for, what's the title again? Sorry.
I'm gonna I should have done that before. Like, the page went in front of me. So, the second day, team is, less conflict, stay calm to not add fuel to the fire Because we know that sometimes we kind of participate to the conflict, right, if you're were really honest. They're like, they do something, it triggers us, then we add to the problem, and then it degenerate because then it's like a screaming match. So that's the 2nd day.
And the 3rd day will be really more focused on connection. So, it's deep in family connection because one of the way to move away from conflict is to deepen family connection. On the 1st day, there might be some slight changes between now and like I'm recording on January 15 and the podcast will be live real soon. So there might be change in the schedule. But right now, we have a present we have, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 presentation on the 1st day.
Do I go through all of that? Like, I can go through the title maybe. So the first, like, is the power of storytelling in parenting, boy talk, sporting boys to express emotions, could it be language, Parenting Beyond Power, How to Transform Conflict into Collaboration. Why does everything add to matter so much? The power of movement, calming and connecting with kids.
When school is the source of big emotions and rhythms to relief. That is the tree, interesting title, and it's going to be about, using music. That's the that silly that clear still that I wanted to, specify. And there is every day a bonus session that is not necessarily parent child relationship based or, like and and this one is about how the siblings, are experiencing this situation. So what about my other kids?
Navigating the complexities of sibling relationship in families of children with challenging behavior. The day 2, which is all focused on parents, the there's, keeping your couple's connection alive because all of those presentation will be focused on helping you stay calmer, basically. Letting go of guilt as a parent, breaking the negative family cycle, navigating common challenges and emotion for parents of the on the path of change, self care strategies for an harmonious alms, dealing with the grief of all that could have been, and conflict with your strong will intensely feeling kid or teen, on the co parent path, strategies for thriving with intense kids, conflict when you're an intense parents of an intense child, more specifically, I would say ADHD parent with an ADHD child, being confident allows you to respond instead of react. On that day, the bonus session is, school conflict, common conflict with school, working with school even when things get heated. And the 3rd data is all on deep in family connection.
We have staying connected to shared reality, meeting the moment as it comes, skills to connect and redirect in intense situation, lowering demands to reduce conflicts, enjoy homeschooling again, homeschool without power struggle, gems, connecting in the everyday moments, executive function strategies to diffuse family conflicts, intentional inconsistency, a powerful strategy to inspire compassion with strong willed kids, and use collaborative games to connect. And the bonus session is on extended family conflicts. So navigating navigating cultural expectation whilst accommodating the emotional needs of your child. This is, especially great if you're coming from a more traditional family, on the on the, like, how to raise kids. And there's many, differences with the way that you are doing things right now.
Wow. That was a mouthful. So those are the title of the presentation. I know some are not necessarily that descriptive, but I think most it's kind of, not that hard to understand what the, what do you mean? And, there was there was going to be a, private you have access to a private Facebook group where you can ask question.
Most of the speakers are going to be in there to answer questions. Yeah. And there's a few, things like a bingo cards so that you can win prizes, and there will be a few other things going on. So it's going to be a very great week, to get together. I know you're all busy.
We're all so busy. But I also think that connecting with other parents that are really understanding what you're going through because they're also going through it is very powerful. So I really encourage you to join and to participate in the group, come to the live if you can, chat in the chat of the live. And so that you'll realize you're not alone and that you're doing a better job than you think you are. Because I know that's the opt is so present in our life.
So that's it. Oh, yeah. And, if you wanna keep the presentation for longer, because total, you'll have access to presentation for, like, 2, 3 days in total. You can keep them for the foreseeable future if you wanna if you grab the deep connection pass, which is a paid pass that you can. There's 3 prices.
You'll get all the gist, but you can, buy a the pass starts at 47 and go up to 87 based on when you buy. And, this includes all the presentation we place, but also many bonuses from the speakers that are part of the event, more than a $1,000 worth of course program and, membership access and things like that that are offered by our speaker for free once you buy the pass. And I also offer a monthly membership and there will be a, a support session, a group support session a little bit after the event to help you, like, process the information and maybe adapt some stuff in your family and, some one on one support from me too, included in that all the in that path. So it's worth, like, north of $3,000 And, and yeah, you get it for somewhere between $47.87 based on when you buy. Everybody gets a chance to get it to get it for 47.
So, yeah, if you're interested, please come join us. The address, is a bit different than usual. So it's, parenting the intensity dot ca, which is also the link to the podcast density dotca, you'll find the all the information there. I will, of course, link it into the show notes, and I hope you join us for the live event that are ahead of time. If you register before, February 10th, you'll get the information for the lives that will be, sorry, that will be, on 10 18th, But, I will also try and put the link directly to those in the show notes, if I remember to do it.
So, yeah, that's about it. If you have any question, please reach out, and, I hope to see you there.