
Total episodes: 191


Ephesians 12 - Walk as children of light | Raph Fernandes

Ephesians 12 - Walk as children of light | Raph Fernandes

"Therefore be imitators of God, as belov...
Ephesians 11 - Walk in love | Raph Fernandes

Ephesians 11 - Walk in love | Raph Fernandes

"Therefore be imitators of God, as belov...
Ephesians 10 - The overcomer walk | Raph Fernandes

Ephesians 10 - The overcomer walk | Raph Fernandes

"Therefore, having put away falsehood, l...
Guest Speaker - God our Creator | John Warton

Guest Speaker - God our Creator | John Warton

"All things were made through him, and w...
Ephesians 09 - A new walk | Raph Fernandes

Ephesians 09 - A new walk | Raph Fernandes

“Now this I say and testify in the ...
Ephesians 08 - The worthy walk | Raph Fernandes

Ephesians 08 - The worthy walk | Raph Fernandes

“I therefore, a prisoner for the Lo...
Ephesians 07 - Measureless love | Raph Fernandes

Ephesians 07 - Measureless love | Raph Fernandes

“For this reason I bow my knees before t...
Ephesians 06 - The eternal purpose of God | Raph Fernandes

Ephesians 06 - The eternal purpose of God | Raph Fernandes

“For this reason I, Paul, a prisone...
Ephesians 05 - Better together | Raph Fernandes

Ephesians 05 - Better together | Raph Fernandes

“Therefore remember that at one time you...
Ephesians 04 - By grace, through faith | Raph Fernandes

Ephesians 04 - By grace, through faith | Raph Fernandes

“And you were dead in the trespasses and...
Ephesians 03 - Revelations | Raph Fernandes

Ephesians 03 - Revelations | Raph Fernandes

"that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, ...
Easter 2022 - Great exchange | Raph Fernandes

Easter 2022 - Great exchange | Raph Fernandes

"And I heard a loud voice from the thron...
Good Friday 2022 - Good Friday, good cross | Raph Fernandes

Good Friday 2022 - Good Friday, good cross | Raph Fernandes

"And they brought him to the place calle...
Ephesians 02 - Wealth in Christ | Raph Fernandes

Ephesians 02 - Wealth in Christ | Raph Fernandes

"Blessed be the God and Father our Lord ...
Ephesians 01 - Grace and peace | Raph Fernandes

Ephesians 01 - Grace and peace | Raph Fernandes

"Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the...
Deeper Roots 04 - Three keys for accelerated success | Raph Fernandes

Deeper Roots 04 - Three keys for accelerated success | Raph Fernandes

"So you will find favor and good success...
Deeper Roots 03 - Petition and conviction, thanks and trust | Raph Fernandes

Deeper Roots 03 - Petition and conviction, thanks and trust | Raph Fernandes

“And you were dead in the trespasses and...
Guest Speaker - Let us pray | John Warton

Guest Speaker - Let us pray | John Warton

“do not be anxious about anything, but i...
Deeper roots 02 - Who stands on the breach | Raph Fernandes

Deeper roots 02 - Who stands on the breach | Raph Fernandes

"And I sought for a man among them who s...
Deeper Roots 01 - Levels of prayer | Raph Fernandes

Deeper Roots 01 - Levels of prayer | Raph Fernandes

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek,...
Acceleration 08 - The God of perfect timing | Raph Fernandes

Acceleration 08 - The God of perfect timing | Raph Fernandes

“For thus says the One who is high and l...
Acceleration 07 - Growing in times of storm | Raph Fernandes

Acceleration 07 - Growing in times of storm | Raph Fernandes

“The righteous flourish like the palm tr...
Acceleration 06 - View versus vision | Raph Fernandes

Acceleration 06 - View versus vision | Raph Fernandes

“Then I shall not be put to shame, havin...
Acceleration 05 - Door and way | Raph Fernandes

Acceleration 05 - Door and way | Raph Fernandes

“I am the door. If anyone enters by me, ...
Acceleration 04 - A time for everything | Raph Fernandes

Acceleration 04 - A time for everything | Raph Fernandes

“He has made everything beautiful in its...