The Donkey Ride hero artwork

The Donkey Ride

HEAT Ministries KingdomCast ·


On Palm Sunday, Christ enters Jerusalem to great fan fare, with everyone crying out Hosanna!  To the chagrin of some, He comes into town, not with a big army, not with a band of soldiers, not even riding on a valiant stallion.  Christ makes His appearance during Holy week riding a donkey!  But of course, as we know how God operates, doing foolish things to confound the wise, let us not be remiss in seeing the symbolism.  Pastor Antonio uses this sermon to show us Palm Sunday from the donkey's perspective.

Christ takes what was tied up and belonging as a beast of burden to someone else, and set's it free to do His work.
It is not a far stretch to see the parallels in our life, and the lessons that we can learn from the donkey.  Jesus made a triumphal entry on a donkey...can He do the same on you?

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