HEAT Ministries KingdomCast

Total episodes: 37


Through You

Through You

Life without vision (focus, or purpose) ...
His Workmanship

His Workmanship

Oftentimes, due to life's issues we forg...
Speakers Not Strikers

Speakers Not Strikers

Imagine holding on to a promise for year...
Kingdom Liberation

Kingdom Liberation

When one part of the body is affected, t...
Pencil Power

Pencil Power

In life, you will experience a painful "...
Resurrect Your Greatness

Resurrect Your Greatness

We all, at time, feel the pain of wantin...
While You Wait_PastorPaula

While You Wait_PastorPaula

Waiting is yet another frustrating trial...
Revenge Or Revival

Revenge Or Revival

Oftentimes in life, we find ourselves su...
Affliction Of The Seed

Affliction Of The Seed

Do you feel like the idea, business, min...
Don't Let Fear Paralyze Your Purpose_Pastor Paula

Don't Let Fear Paralyze Your Purpose_Pastor Paula

For many of us, the one thing that stops...
Stewardship The Rest Of The Money

Stewardship The Rest Of The Money

There are only three financial lifestyle...
Stewardship Giving Connects Us

Stewardship Giving Connects Us

We decide on where our money is to flow ...
Stewardship It's All His

Stewardship It's All His

There's probably nothing gets a person m...
Get Up Walk

Get Up Walk

No matter who you are, in life, we will ...
Fight Your Fight

Fight Your Fight

When going into battle, a soldier rest o...
The Enemy's Pursuit

The Enemy's Pursuit

Oftentimes, when When God is about to re...
A Mother's Request

A Mother's Request

Imagine having an issue that you are at ...
God Of The Valley

God Of The Valley

Have you ever faced a valley before? Whe...
Preparing For The Blessing

Preparing For The Blessing

In 2 Kings 3, we find the armies of Juda...
Fire Power

Fire Power

When God was about to answer the cries o...
Spiritual vs Natural Vision_Pastor Paula

Spiritual vs Natural Vision_Pastor Paula

God has given us a new way to live life ...
Arise And Shine

Arise And Shine

In Isaiah 60, the prophet starts the cha...
The Donkey Ride

The Donkey Ride

On Palm Sunday, Christ enters Jerusalem ...
Let The Dead Bury The Dead

Let The Dead Bury The Dead

At some point in our lives we all have t...
Friends With Frustration

Friends With Frustration

It's always interesting how two people c...