004 - Staying calm in the midst of the outburst hero artwork

004 - Staying calm in the midst of the outburst

Parenting the Intensity ·


In this episode, we dive into strategies to help you, parents, stay calm (or as calm as possible) during your child's most intense moments.

As we explore the theme of staying calm in the midst of an outburst, it's essential to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. While breathing exercises can help in the heat of the moment, true calmness requires sustainable practices.

We touch on the importance of self-care, including practices such as yoga, meditation, and breath work, which can regulate the nervous system and provide much-needed serenity during intense moments. Cultivating these self-care practices outside of challenging situations is crucial to effectively implement them when needed most.

Moreover, feeling confident in your parenting decisions and releasing the worry of judgment from others can significantly contribute to staying calm. We understand that developing self-care routines and building confidence takes time, but these are worthy long-term investments in both your own well-being and your child's.

It is also vital to identify triggers and understand your child's needs. By knowing your own triggers and finding ways to reduce their intensity, you can better regulate yourself in intense situations.

Taking care of your basic needs, including proper nutrition and physical comfort, is another essential element to staying calm. Remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup.

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Join the "Parenting the Intensity Community" to find the right things that works for YOUR child and adapt them to YOUR reality.

To be able to enjoy your life and kids, not always being afraid of the next outburst

Take a deep breath, keep going, we’re all in this together!

Music by Oleksii Kaplunskyi from Pixabay 

https://pixabay.com/users/lesfm-22579021/ https://pixabay.com/music/acoustic-group-weekend-116222/